What an Experience!!!

Read this passage in this website:

Kerran satuin kysymään englanniksi, paljonko kello on. Se , jolta kysyin, alkoi juosta, ja minä juoksin perään, koska en tiennyt, miksi hän juoksi. Halusin tietää, paljonko kello on. Hän juoksi, ja minä juoksin perässä ja kysyin koko ajan, paljonko kello on. Sitten minä tajusin: - Voi että, hän juoksee minua pakoon! (Renata)

The website is filled with experiences of expats in Finland. Let me translate what she wrote and let's assume that the person she talked to was a woman. I really feel for her when reading the passage. :-((((

"Once I happened to ask someone (in English) what time it was. The person started to run and I ran after her, because I didn't know why she ran. I just wanted to know what time it was. She ran and all the while I was running after her, I kept on asking what time it was. And then I realized, "Oh dear, she's trying to escape from me!"