Finnish Proverbs

I was browsing for something, but then found this page accidentally, so I'd like to share it with you people:

In the above site, you'll find SO MANY proverbs! Gee, I'd better read them bit by bit and try to remember some important ones that I might use he he...

Also found this page:

TikTak - Mutta ma rakastan sua

Just trying to share a Finnish song that I like plus trying to translate it he he...

TikTak - Mutta Ma Rakastan Sua

Pidän vapaudesta (I like freedom)
Pidän musiikista (I like music)
Pidän siitä kun jalat vie ja järki luovuttaa (I like it when feet lead me and common sense gives up)
Pidän ystävistä (I like friends)
Niistä eläimistä (Those animals)
Pidän siitä kun aamuneljään ollaan hereillä (I like staying awake at 4 am)

Mutta mä rakastan sua (But I love you)
Sitä kun sä tuut ikkunaan (When you come to the window)
Kun sä pudotat avaimen ja se kieppuu ilmassa (When you drop the key and it swings in the air)
Mutta mä rakastan sua (But I love you)
Kun sä odotat ovella (When you wait by the door)
Pidän siitä kun sä synnyit tähän samaan maailmaan (I like it when you were born into this same world)

Pidän hämärästä (I like twilight)
Ihmisvilinästä (Human hustle and bustle)
Kun joku vanha pari pitää toistaan kädestä (When an old couple hold hands)
Pidän kaupungista (I like the city)
Pidän kolinasta, (I like the noise)
Joka tulee kun loikkaa viisi viime porrasta (That I hear when I jump the last five steps of the stairs)


Katson nimikirjaimiin (I look at the initials)
Harmaisiin, haalenneisiin (Grey and pale)
Vanhoihin luokkakuviin (Old class pictures)
(Vanhoihin luokkakuviin) (Old class pictures)
Vähemmän kuin aiemmin (Less than before)


Mutta mä rakastan sua (But I love you)
Sitä kun sä tuut ikkunaan (When you come to the window)
Kun sä pudotat avaimen ja se kieppuu ilmassa (When you drop the key and it swings in the air)
Mutta mä rakastan sua (But I love you)
Kun sä odotat ovella (When you wait at the door)
Pidän siitä kun äkkiä ei tarvi juostakaan (I like it when all of a sudden we don't need to run)
Kun ollaan liikkumatta ihan paikallaan (When we stay still where we are)

Fun with Words

Just like in many languages, sometimes the wrong pronunciation may make other people laugh as the word changes completely if you say it differently.

Recently I found out these tricky Finnish words:

Lima = mucus, slime

Liima = glue

Leima = stamp

They sound so similar, but they have SUCH different meanings, right? This is one of the joys of learning a new language. ;-D You just have to take it easy and not be too hard on yourself, don't you agree?

I also got this wedding anniversary greeting SMS from my mom-in-law:

'Onnea, onnea, onnea vaan,
punainen tupa ja peruna maa!'

= Happiness, happiness, happiness only,
a red cottage and a potato field!

So it seems that it's a Finnish way of wishing you the best. Interesting!!! ;-D


Last week I made a HUGE pot of meatball soup, thinking that I could bring some for my in-laws. I made them by mixing up salmon meat and mince meat with two eggs and salt and pepper plus a little bit of rice flour. Then I turned them into balls and put them inside boiling water and waited until they were done.

Here's the picture:

When I brought some to my mom-in-law, she asked me what it was, so I said: "Lihapallo keitto." (liha = meat, pallo = ball, keitto = soup)

She asked again, "Mitä?"

Then hubby said, "LihaPULLA!"

We all laughed out loud. Even though pallo means ball, but "meatball" in Finnish is actually "lihapulla". Pallo can be used in combination for "soccer" = "jalkapallo", but not for meatball.

Oh's SO funny when you're learning a new language hi hi hi...

Rauhan Aika by Sara

I really LOVE this song, so let me just share it here with you and let me try to translate the lyrics, too. Darn, it's SO hard to translate it!

Rauhan Aika (In Times of Peace) - Sara

Vain heikkous voi
Lupauksen murtaa
Harvoin teen sen tahallani

(Only weakness can break a promise
I rarely do it on purpose)

Lähellä ei aina kiinni saa
Vain heikkous voi
Lupaukset murtaa

(Being close doesn't mean you can always catch
Only the weak can break promises)

Vaikka tahdon kaiken kieltää
Tiedän etten paeta voi
Pakko myöntää kaikki virheet
Kuinka paljon korjata voin

(Although I want to deny everything
I know that I can't escape
I have to admit all my mistakes
How much can I fix?)

Vain heikkous voi
Totuuden peittää
Teen sen näin
Niin helposti hyväksyn sen

(Only weakness can cover the truth
I did it like this
So easily I approved it)

Vaikka tahdon kaiken kieltää
Tiedän etten paeta voi
Pakko myöntää kaikki virheet
Kuinka paljon korjata voin

(Although I want to deny everything
I know that I can't escape
I have to admit all my mistakes
How much can I fix?)

Virheitään ei näe
Lähellä vain jää
Toisen jalkoihin

(Don't see mistakes
Just stay close
To other's feet

Vaikka tahdon kaiken kieltää
Tiedän etten paeta voi
Voiko murheet kaiken viedä
Kuinka paljon takaisin saan

(Although I want to deny everything
I know that I can't escape
If I can take away all my troubles
How much will I get back?)